Code of Conduct

Last Updated: 2 June 2022

This Code of Conduct establishes that all participants at Very Large Huge Games Limited (“Very Large Huge Games”) events have the right to a healthy and safe environment. This Code of Conduct covers both participation during and communications between participants outside of our events. It applies to all participants, including players, facilitators, observers and anyone else involved in any Very Large Huge Games event or communication.

By participating in one of our events or communicating with other participants outside of the events, you:

  • agree to abide by this Code of Conduct

  • acknowledge that a representative of Very Large Huge Games may take disciplinary action against a participant if there is a breach of the Code of Conduct or any other directives of the facilitation team

Foundations of the Code of Conduct

Respect and Inclusivity: Participants will be treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their gender/identity, race, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, religion or absence thereof. Be aware of the specialised needs of others. Understand that other players may be at different levels from you. Respect the effort that has gone into the event from an organisational and a design perspective.

No Harassment: Participants deserve an environment free from physical, verbal, emotional or sexual harassment. Demeaning, discriminatory, abusive, or harassing behaviour will not be tolerated. Individuals have the right to set boundaries for behaviour and to ask for problematic behaviour to immediately stop.

Sensitive Topics: If an event or communication has to involve sensitive or uncomfortable topics, this should be clear to all participants at the earliest opportunity. Individuals have the right to express discomfort or sensitivity to topics and to request that the topics no longer be presented to them.

Integrity: We seek to foster a creative and authentic experience for our players. Participants should adhere to the rules of the game and not seek to gain advantage through illegitimate means. Personal biases and grievances should be left at the door. If in doubt, prioritise good sportsmanship over personal gain.

Unacceptable Behaviour

Unacceptable behaviour can include, but is not limited to, engaging in, advocating for, or encouraging any of the following:

  • Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated at or during any Very Large Huge Games event. Harassment includes, without limitation, verbal abuse, discrimination, threats of violence, ‘trolling’, any other form of intimidation and filming or photographing of people against their wishes.

  • Filming and photography is acceptable at Very Large Huge Games events, but, if any participant or facilitator asks you not to record footage of certain aspects of the event, you should do as requested and cease recording footage or taking photographs. For the avoidance of doubt, any footage or photographs taken by you are for your personal use only and are not to be used or exploited for any commercial purposes whatsoever.

  • You should respect fellow attendees.

  • The taking of any illegal drugs is expressly prohibited, while anyone who, in the reasonable opinion of the organisers, is considered to be inebriated may be asked to leave the venue immediately.

Reporting Incidents

Witnessing problematic behaviour

All participants are responsible for reporting any violation of this Code of Conduct that they witness, regardless of whether the improper conduct was directed at them. When a violation is witnessed, the following process should be followed*:

  • SPEAK UP against the behaviour as it’s happening, if you feel comfortable doing so – especially if it is directed at someone else. Ask the person(s) to cease the problematic behaviour and remind them of the Code of Conduct. Remain calm and reasonable.

  • DOCUMENT what took place with screen captures and first-hand accounts when possible. Note the date and time when it took place, the perpetrator, anyone else present, what was said, and whether this is an ongoing or repeat situation.

  • REPORT what took place to a member of the Facilitation team.

*If the situation includes a threat to someone’s physical safety, consider notifying the police. These guidelines are never a substitute in such situations.

The facilitation team is expected to listen to and trust the person reporting the problematic behaviour and the person(s) affected. The facilitation team will respect those reporting a violation and those reporting a violation are never to be punished or harassed for reporting.

Receiving feedback that your behaviour is problematic

If a member of the facilitation says you violated the Code of Conduct:

  • STOP the behaviour. If necessary, take a break to think clearly.

  • LISTEN to the person reporting the issue.

  • BE SELF-CRITICAL. Take the time to analyse your behaviour and how it could have been problematic. Try to understand the perspective of the person reporting the problem.

  • ACCEPT your actions. Take responsibility for what took place, even if it was not your intent. Apologise unconditionally and propose solutions.

  • DO NOT ARGUE your actions with the Facilitator or attempt to garner support for your actions. Do not retaliate in any way against the victim or any other team members.

  • UNDERSTAND that for severe or repeated problems, Very Large Huge Games has the right to remove you from the event, deny a refund and ban you from future participation.

Taking Action

If you feel somebody has broken this policy, please speak to a member of the facilitation team (they are in Very Large Huge Games hi-vis vests). A formal written report of the complaint will be taken and the complaint will be investigated immediately.

If you are found to have broken this Code of Conduct, you will be located and asked to leave the venue immediately or removed from online communications. No refund will be issued, you will be banned from all future Very Large Huge Games events and, where appropriate, the police will be contacted.

Additional Notes

We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse as far as reasonably possible.

All determinations of appropriate or inappropriate behaviour are at the sole discretion of Very Large Huge Games and its representatives. The decisions of Very Large Huge Games in this regard will be final.

The above policies may be revised at any time by Very Large Huge Games and are non-negotiable.


For any communications with Very Large Huge Hames, contact:


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